Thursday, 30 December 2010

Christmas Damage!
A lot of my clients have come to me asking for some quick ways to limit the damage caused by Christmas and the looming N.Y.E celebrations so I thought I’d compose some quick advice for you all!
1. When you in a hole stop digging! It’s very easy after a binge to keep going with the thought that you can start a fresh in the New Year. This is fatal! With Christmas being a three day feast the time between Christmas and N.Y.E is vital for damage limitation. If you continue to eat and neglect training for this week you can easily clock up an extra tens of thousands of calories more than normal- which can equate to many pounds of weight gain.

2. Do something ANYTHING just don’t sit there on the sofa stuffing your face! Even if it’s just a quick 20 minute bodyweight circuit if the gym is shut or a long walk with the dog- just do something!

3. If you can cut the carb’s at dinner and after 6pm. Try having just protein in the form of lean meat and a some fibrous vegetables like broccoli and kale in the next few days for dinner and you’ll soon see that extra weight you’ve gained start to fall off

4. If you can at N.Y.E try to stick to low carbohydrate options such as spirits with diet mixers- try to stay away from beer and cider.

5. Get back to training after N.Y.E on New Year’s Day no matter how bad the hang over!- even if it’s just with a few sets of press ups, crunches and squats this will mentally help you get back in the rhythm of training from day one and will push that hang over out the way for the day.
6. Rehydrate- Christmas and N.Y.E can leave you chronically dehydrated over a period of several weeks leaving you fatigued and many bodily systems not operating at their best- so start making sure you clocking up the water each day even if you’re not feeling thirsty.

Have an excellent and also safe New Years Eve!
Personal Training Tips

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