Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Diet and Photo Shoot Finished!

So the diet finally came to an end a couple of weeks ago, and yep I made my target weight of 13.7 down from 16 stone in 8 weeks! The diet was a standard carb depletion diet, dropping the carbs each week and upping the protein,however to lose all the water under my skin in the last week before the shoot I contacted the excellent, physiques training of Brighton, who are specialists in pre-competition bodybuilding nutrition.

The techniques used in the last week of dieting I can't really go into here, as they are Physiques Training company secrets so to speak, to get their competitors on peak condition for their time on the stage- to bring out enhanced vasularity and muscle definition.

I've learnt a lot from the diet- it was harder than any training i've ever put my body through- as it is a mental battle 24/7. Its given me a greater understanding too of the mental challenge thos who sufer from a weight issue have to go through. It is very easy for us as trainers to dismiss those who struggle with their diet as weak willed, but dieting down from a high carb diet to that of a low one has shown me some of the torment they go through.
What has also been redefined in my mind is that looks are in no way synonymous with either health or strength. When the photographs were taken, I think I look the best I ever have done, but I was also at my weakest I have been since I was a teenager. My strength levels dropped dramatically and I was lethargic all day. Now I'm back eating more, I have gained a stone but my strength levels have hit new peaks.I am back grappling and doing some powerlifting stuff- activities I couldn't have even considered whilst dieting. The pictures in this blog are some images from the photo shoot- hope you like them!

Anyway for now Stay Strong and train hard- out.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Garrett ''Iron Eater'' McCarthy Steps it up

Always after training one of my most dedicated clients I am filled with new vigour.

Some clients can really energise you with their passion and drive. Garrett is one of these folk. Like in my previous post about the 'Eye of the Dog' Garrett has got this ability in abundance- to push through the pain barrier and not be broken no matter what is thrown at him.

I've been training Garrett now for over year to bring his condition up for the Ultra Jungle Marathon. A series of self sufficient marathons run back to back through the Amazon rain Forrest- a crazy feat you might think- yet this has been Garretts passion for some time.

He was one of the top third of finishers in the Marathon des Sables- the ultra marathon run through the Sahara desert.However After an unsuccessful attempt at the Jungle marathon a few years back, he is back in 16 weeks to attack the hostile environment with avengeance.

Garretts training with me has centered around bringing his core strength up to an excellent standard with the use of kettlebells,body weight drills and resistance bands. His muscular endurance too, in particular the posterior chain has surpassed all my initial expectations.
We now can work non stop without a break for the whole 60 minutes, with double and single kettlebell work interspersed with bodyweight drills- however one of the main aims now is to keep Garrett injury free up to the race date.

I will keep you posted on Garretts progress and am sure he's going to be amongst the top finishers for this race too- go iron eater go!!