Thursday, 3 December 2009

Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness and Resilience

''Sparta, Rome, The Knights of Europe, the Samurai... They worshipped strength, because it is strength that makes all other values possible. Nothing survives without it. Who knows what delicate wonders have died out of the world, for want of the strength to survive''

One of the key qualities any person training can have is that of mental toughness – the will to go on when even every fibre of their body is saying stop. I’ve trained many, many different types of people from O.A.P.s to Marines and this quality can be found in the most unexpected people. I’ve seen big shaven headed so called tough guys sobbing into the dirt while on a similar session a middle aged woman tough it out and push through the pain barrier.
Without this quality you will not succeed in your training- period. Success in training only comes from pushing the boundaries within you, not trying but doing.
Anyone has this ability but I believe the soft lives most of us lead have sapped it out from us – as the old saying if you don’t use it you lose it. If you compare our lives to those who lived even 200 years ago those who weren’t rich, their lives were often hard, short and tough. Go back 2000 years and I believe you’ll find people of a different calibre than you get today. And this softness has weakened our bodies and our minds. The french call it the 'eye of the dog' and Charles Poliquin believes that he can judge if an athlete will succeed in 5 minutes of training- if he or she exhibits this quality in training-

'Now, when I'm brought on to train a national team, I can tell which eight of the 12 athletes I want to train. I'll tell the coach that the other four aren't going to make it. I can tell by their attitude in the first training session. In fact, in all seriousness, I can tell who's going to become an Olympic medalist by their first workout.
In French there's a term that means "to have some dog in you." The athletes who have some dog in them are the ones that have the attitude to be winners. They'll work their asses off' - Poliquin

Good news! Mental toughness can be cultivated in those who want to learn it. With regular practise going that one extra minute, rep, mile, what ever it is will make it easier next time you come to push yourself just that little bit more. Give in to lazy maintenance and soon though inevitably you’ll start to slide.

Try visualization when you are lifting. As you lift or push the weight don't think just about moving the bar but think of a situation or scenario that makes you really angry or determined. As most of my strength training is built around making myself stronger for grappling I imagine throwing,pushing off or submitting an apponent all the way through the lift.
There is science behind this too. This technique will hep you release more adrenaline through the lift and so in lay mans terms you'll be able to send faster electrical pulses through your nerves making them contract harder. Of course what motivates me may not motivate you so you'll have to find your own inspiration!
So Stay Strong and keep up!

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